According to data that would have been obtained precisely as a result of studying the changes caused by alcohol abuse in the female body which can help solve many abnormal conditions developing in the female reproductive system, such as oligodysmenorrhea and amenorrhea, the purpose of this study was to identify changes in the endometrium that occur in chronic alcoholism. The study included sectional material, selected from women who, according to history data (interviews with relatives) and autopsy data (presence of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver), had confirmed alcohol abuse. Microscopic examination of endometrium was carried out followed by morphometric examination with determining: the average diameter of the endometrial glands, the minimum diameter of the endometrial glands, the maximum diameter of the endometrial glands, gland wall thickness, the relative volume of the epithelium, and the thickness of the epithelium for the proliferative or secretory type of the endometrium. Based on the study, it can be assumed that alcohol abuse has a significantly significant effect on the female reproductive system as a whole, in particular, on the morpho-functional state of the endometrium, which is manifested by its statistically reliable thinning, hypoplasia of the glands, which was determined both in proliferative and in the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. Results of the morphometric study have to be interpreted as tendency to atrophy in endometrium with decreased by 13.7% the average diameter of the endometrial glands (from 51.71±2.90 x10-6 m to 44.65±2.48 x10-6 m), reduced diameter of the endometrial glands from 72.14±2.21 x10-6m to 64.13±3.90 x10-6m, abridged the relative volume of the epithelium. The study shows the importance of an individual approach in working with this cohort of patients, which may consist in proper history taking (to confirm alcohol abuse), detection of pathomorphological changes in the endometrium, which is important for the correct diagnosis and selection of the most effective treatment.
Целью исследования явилось определение изменений эндометрия, возникающих при хроническом алкоголизме. Исследование проведено на секционном материале, полученном от женщин, злоупотребляющих алкоголем, что установлено по данным анамнеза (беседа с родственниками) и результатам вскрытия (наличие алкогольного цирроза печени). Проведено микроскопическое исследование эндометрия с последующим морфометрическим исследованием с определением показателей: средний диаметр, минимальный диаметр и максимальный диаметр эндометриальных желез, толщина стенки железы, относительный объем эпителия и толщина эпителия для пролиферативного или секреторного типа эндометрия.