Видання іноземною мовою. Кафедра фармацевтичної хімії та технології ліків: Recent submissions

  • Khoma, R. E.; Ennan, A. A.; Gelmboldt, V. O.; Koroeva, L. V. (2012)
    We have previously shown that the interaction of sulfur (IV) oxide with hexamethylentetramine (HMTA) in aqueous solution results in the aminometansulfonic acid (AMSA):formulaAn attempt has been made to synthesize the AMSA ...
  • Khoma, R. E.; Gelmboldt, V. O.; Ennan, A. A.; Baumer, V. N.; Mazepa, A. V.; Koksharova, T. V. (2015)
    The new method of preparation of sulphur oxoanions “onium” salts via interaction in the SO2–L–H2O–O2 systems (L is methylamine, benzylamines, 1,2-diamines, and morpholine) has been developed. “Onium” sulfates have been ...
  • Bets, I.; Bets, Yu.; Filippov, M.; Hashchuk, V.; Borisyuk, I.; Fizor, N.; Valivodz, I.; Karpushyna, M.; Prudka, L.; Slobodian, A.; Kraliuk, P.; Еsisar, O.; Lavrenchuk, V.; Vyshnytska, I.; Unhurian, L.; Bieliaieva, O.; Smyrnova, O.; Melnychuk, V.; Snigurova, T.; Gorishna, O.; Kanivets, O.; Kanivets, I.; Gorda, T.; Kanivets, V.; Koryahin, V.; Blavt, O.; Ponomarev, S.; Serbo, Ye.; Melnychuk, L.; Krasovska, O.; Shkabarina, M.; Marchuk, O.; Smirnova, L.; Pavlos, A.; Zelikova, T.; Borovik, Yu.; Zaverikin, A.; Nezgoda, S.; Bulatov, A.; Logovska, O.; Yarovenko, A.; Muntіan, O.; Muntіan, M. (2020)
    Collection of scientific articles published is the scientific and practical publication, which contains scientific articles of students, graduate students, Candidates and Doctors of Sciences, research workers and ...
  • Larionov, V.; Golovenko, M.; Valivodz, I. (2020)
    Benzodiazepines (BZDs) are one of the most widely prescribed pharmacologic agents in the world. BZDs are used for numerous indications, including anxiety, insomnia, muscle relaxation, relief from spasticity caused by central ...
  • Valivodz, I. P.; Golovenko, N. Ya.; Larionov, V. B. (2020)
    A novel 3-substituted 1,4-benzodiazepine, 7-bromo-5-(o-chlorophenyl)-3-propoxy-1,2-dihydro-3H-1,4-ben-zodiazepin-2-one (named propoxazepam), has been found to have a potent analgesic anti inflammation and anticonvulsant ...
  • Golovenko, M. Ya.; Reder, A. S.; Larionov, V. B.; Valivodz, I. P.; Головенко, М. Я.; Редер, А. С.; Ларіонов, В. Б.; Валіводзь, І. П.; Головенко, Н. Я.; Редер, А. С.; Ларионов, В. Б.; Валиводзь, И. П. (2017)
    Aim. To study the mechanisms of action for propoxazepam, a new compound with the analgesic action, on the model of thiosemicarbazide-induced GABA-deficient seizures. Matherials and methods. A chemoconvulsive agent was ...
  • Zamkovaya, A.; Borisuk, I.; Fizor, N. (2020)
    The problem of depression is becoming one of the central problems in the medical practice. In doing so, it has a significant impact on socio-psychological and economic aspects of society. According to Who, depression more ...
  • Borysiuk, I. Y.; Fizor, N. S.; Valivodz, I. P.; Борисюк, И. Ю.; Физор, Н. С.; Валиводзь, И. П. (2020)
    Nowadays there are quite high production rates in synthetic organic chemistry. However, biologically active compounds are extremely important in the creation of new pharmacologically effective drugs. New biologically active ...
  • Bulavenko, O.; Muntіan, O.; Muntіan, M.; Yarovenko, A.; Rusnak, I.; Kulachek, V.; Kulachek, Ya.; Shcherbinska, O.; Slabkii, H.; Andriiaka, A.; Vydyborets, B.; Gryshchenko, V.; Borisenko, N.; Bushueva, I.; Gubenko, I.; Borisyuk, I.; Valivodz, I.; Vyshnytska, I.; Unhurian, L.; Bieliaieva, O.; Pietkova, I. (2020)
    Collection of scientific articles published is the scientific and practical publication, which contains scientific articles of students, graduate students, Candidates and Doctors of Sciences, research workers and ...
  • Kravchenko, L.; Borisyuk, I.; Fizor, N.; Unhurian, L.; Zolotukhina, E.; Goncharenko, O. (2020)
    The aim of the work was to substantiate the use of a newly created oral care product in the treatment of periodontal disease reconstructed against the background of hyperacidic gastritis under the conditions of tobacco ...
  • Boyko, N.; Pisarev, D.; Zhilyakova, E.; Novikov, O.; Kuznietsova, V.; Sushchuk, N. (2018)
    The aim of the article was to study and model solvent effects on phytocompounds' extraction from Glycyrrhizae radix for substantiation of rational choice of the extractant in the technology of drugs obtained from this type ...
  • Boyko, N.; Pisarev, D.; Zhilyakova, E.; Pravlotskaya, A.; Novikov, O.; Makarevich, N.; Kuznietsova, V.; Sushchuk, N. (2019)
    The article presents the results related to the study of distribution of biologically active substances from the plant raw material between solid and liquid phases. The aim of this study is to develop theoretical bases of ...
  • Gel’mbol’dt, V. O.; Anisimov, V. Yu.; Fonar, M. S. (2016)
    Hexafluorosilicate (LH2)SiF6 and the cis-[SiF4(L)] chelate complex characterized by 19F NMR are products of reaction between hydrofluorosilicic acid and 1,10-phenanthroline (L). XRD findings show that the structure of ...
  • Khoma, R. E.; Gelmboldt, V. O.; Énnan, A. A.; Gridina, T. L.; Fedchuk, A. S.; Lozitsky, V. P.; Rakipov, I. M.; Vladyka, A. S. (2019)
    Aminomethanesulfonic acid (I) and its N-methyl- (II), N-(2-hydroxy)ethyl- (III), N-(tert-butyl)- (IV), N-benzyl- (V), and 4-(N-phenylaminomethyl)phenyl- (VI) derivatives (V and VI not previously reported) were synthesized ...
  • Kyslychenko, V. S.; Kuznietsova, V. Yu.; Kolisnyk, Yu. S.; Sushchuk, N. A.; Кисличенко, В. С.; Кузнєцова, В. Ю.; Колісник, Ю. С.; Сущук, Н. А.; Кисличенко, В. С.; Кузнецова, В. Ю.; Колесник, Ю. С.; Сущук, Н. А. (2016)
    The results of the anatomical study of shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris L.) herb are presented in the article. The main diagnostic features have been identifed. The preparations were studied by a “LOMO Mikmed 1” ...
  • Boyko, N. N.; Pisarev, D. I.; Zhilyakova, E. T.; Malyutina, A. Yu.; Novikov, O. O.; Kuznietsova, V. Yu.; Sahaidak-Nikitiuk, R. V.; Blazheyevskiy, M. Ye.; Shpychak, O. S.; Sushchuk, N. A. (2019)
    The aim of this article was to test the hypothesis about the possibility for extraction of essential oil components from the plant raw material (PRM) by the example of Pimpinella anisum L. fruits with two different perfluoro ...
  • Kuznietsova, V. Ju.; Kyslychenko, V. S.; Suschuk, N. A. (2017)
    Lipids are considered one of the most elemental nutrients for humans. Lipids consist of fatty acids classified mostly according to the presence or absence of double bonds as saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated ...
  • Gelmboldt, V. O.; Shyshkin, I. O.; Fonari, M. S.; Kravtsov, V. Kh. (2019)
    Hexafluorosilicate with the composition (LH)2SiF6 (I), (L = 4-hydroxymethylpyridine) is isolated as the interaction product of an L methanol solution and 45% hydrofluorosilicic acid (L:H2SiF6 = 1:3). In the crystal structure ...
  • Khoma, R. E.; Shestaka, A. A.; Gavrilenko, M. I.; Sokhranenko, G. P.; Gel’mbol’dt, V. O. (2011)
    Interaction in the sulfur(IV) oxide–hexamethylenetetramine (hexamethylenediamine)–water systems was studied by pH-, redox-, and conductometric titration techniques. The structure and stability of the resulting molecular ...
  • Gelmboldt, V. O.; Ganin, E. V.; Basok, S. S.; Kulygina, E. Yu.; Botoshansky, M. M.; Kravtsov, V. Ch.; Fonari, M. S. (2011)
    A tetraazacyclic ligand, tetrabenzylcyclen (L), was synthesized using an improved method with a higher yield by treatment of cyclen with benzylchloride in the presence of potassium carbonate. The reaction of L with an ...