Іntroduction. Obesity is one of the greatest modern health problems among adults and children. Due to the constant significant increase
in the prevalence of childhood obesity and overweight, the prevalence of comorbidities is also increasing. Childhood and adolescent obesity
significantly raises the risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death, regardless of the presence of this disease and BMI level in adulthood. The metabolic complications of childhood overweight and obesity are asymptomatic and underdiagnosed conditions that lead to their
progression and negative impact on the health of young adults.
The research aim is to analyze the course of metabolic complications of childhood obesity and overweight.
Materials and methods. The cohort non-intervention study involved 200 children aged 8 to 14 years with obesity criteria and overweight.
Children were divided into comparison groups depending on their physical development. Group 1 included overweight children (133 children), and Group 2 included obese children (67 children). The criteria for exclusion from the study were the presence of infectious, endocrine,
immune, and genetic diseases that could lead to liver damage.
Results and discussion. As a result of the assessment of all metabolic complications, a high incidence of metabolic-associated fatty liver
disease (MAFLD) was found in both groups. Thus, it emphasizes the need to screen for these conditions and prevent the development of metabolic complications not only in obese but also in overweight children.
Conclusions. MAFLD is the most common and, at the same time, poorly studied pathology of the digestive system associated with
obesity. Among the most frequent factors that may be associated with the development of metabolic complications in overweight and obese
children, a group of factors related to early feeding and eating habits in the future, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, deserve attention. Metabolic-associated fatty liver disease occurs and requires treatment in both obese and overweight children.
Ожиріння є однією з найважливіших сучасних проблем здоров'я дорослих і дітей. У зв’язку з постійним суттєвим збільшенням
поширеності ожиріння та надлишкової маси тіла у дітей відповідно зростає і розповсюдженість супутніх захворювань. Метаболічні
ускладнення надлишкової маси тіла і ожиріння у дітей є малосимптомними і недостатньо діагностованими станами, що призводить
до їх прогресування та негативного впливу на стан здоров’я молодих дорослих. Серед найбільш частих факторів, що можуть мати
асоціацію з розвитком метаболічних ускладнень у дітей з надлишковою масою тіла та ожирінням, заслуговує уваги група факторів,
пов’язаних з раннім годуванням і харчовими звичками в подальшому, а також малорухомий спосіб життя.