Simulated patient methodology in higher medical education can foster students empathy

Show simple item record Osmolovska, I. I. en Pervak, M. P. en Onyshchenko, V. I. en Yehorenko, O. S. en 2023-09-07T12:54:56Z 2023-09-07T12:54:56Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Simulated patient methodology in higher medical education can foster students empathy / I. I. Osmolovska, M. P. Pervak, V. I. Onyshchenko, O. S. Yehorenko // I Всеукр. форум молодих вчених з міжнар. участю, 22–23 червня 2023 року, м. Одеса : збірка тез. – Одеса : ОНМедУ, 2023. – С. 82–83. en
dc.description.abstract The simulation case developed by the authors was presented in the form of a medical scenario with a standardized (simulated) patient. Students of the 6-th year had to attend to a patient who had suffered an incurable disease. In the simulation the participants are given the scenario and learn how to take the appropriate action for their own case. The scenario takes place as follows: the course participants are informed about the case in a briefing part, the participants are taken to the clinical part of the simulation area, and the debriefing part. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.subject simulated patient methodology en
dc.subject higher medical education en
dc.subject students empathy en
dc.subject medical scenario en
dc.title Simulated patient methodology in higher medical education can foster students empathy en
dc.type Article en

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